Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gosh Darn It!

So the anticipated surgery is on hold! It seems Jessica is a little under the weather so we're patiently waiting for her white blood cell count to get better.

Until then, we wait and wait and wait...

Monday, May 16, 2011

The countdown...less than 2 weeks away!

Well here we are again, patiently waiting for the transplant day to arrive.

Over 10 years ago, this date was on my golden birthday but this year it's just before Memorial Day. Transplant is scheduled for May 26th so keep Jessica in your thougths as she prepares for this next step on her journey!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's been a very long time...

Well here we are again. I haven't posted in quite a long time, and there have been some major changes in Jessica's life.

She was all set to compete in the 2010 Transplant Games this past summer in Madison, but her "kidney luck" ran out right before the competition started. She wasn't able to compete due to some health issues, but her grandparents from Kansas were at the games and cheered on the other competitors! Way to go Linda and Gary!

After struggling with some health issues over the summer, Jessica was still able to start her freshman year at college. Now that the year if half over we're proud to say that she is handling her first year very well. This past January, Jessica started dialysis again - she hates it, but is feeling so much better (aside from the long bout with pneumonia!).

So now we're all in a holing pattern and waiting for a donor. We all have our fingers crossed that we will find a match sooner than keep Jessica in your prayers!

Friday, May 28, 2010

She is a Graduate!

Congratulations Jessica!

Today is your high school graduation - we are all so proud of you and are looking forward to the next stage in your life!

Love you tons!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh My Goodness...

Jessica is 18 today!

WOW, Happy Birthday to a wonderful young woman!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2010 Is Here...

...and we're down to months in the countdown to the transplant games!

Jessica and her family are planning a trip to Madison for an informational meeting in the next month so I'm hoping that we'll have lots more information.

Not only are the transplant games coming, but Jessica is busy getting ready for graduation and applying for college. What happened to my "little" niece?!

I'm sure the next few months will fly by for her and I'm looking forward to it!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jessica Speaks

Message from Jessica:

"YESSSS I will be graduating but dont worry mommy and daddy i will still ask for money haha!

I am so thrilled for the transplant games this year especially now that they are in Madison! It seems like just this summer that we all traveled to Pittsburg for the games. I hope the transplant games in Madison will be just as fun, even though we all know they will be better because they are in Wisconsin! Haha no offense to the other states, we are just that great.

Well back to studying for my great classes, hope to see you all soon"